‘It Is Not The Artists Who Speaks, But Life Within The Artist Who Has Much To Say’ (19)

You should all read and share this brilliant article about the life within the artists that actually speaks by themselves, because it talks about the real meaning of art itself in the most insightful way one could imagine.

Big Art Theory Blog

‘The highest purpose of art is to inspire. What else can you do for anyone but inspire them?’Bob Dylan

Few days ago, trying to chase away the ‘fall blues’, while having my morning coffee I have noticed that finally the sun was rising above the sky, which faintly promised for a pleasant weather for the rest of the week. Taking another sip of my latte – still feeling quite uninspired- I said to myself – ‘I wish something spectacular has happened’.

Autumn Leaves.jpg

When I opened my mailbox,  I’ve noticed that there was something  waiting for me there. It turned out that my blog had few new ‘followers’ which, of course, made me very happy. Among them there was an alert about a writer called Kim (author of  a very nice online read called ‘Peace, Love and Patchouli’).

As a faithful believer in low of attraction (‘ask, believe, receive and…

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