3 Days 3 Quotes Challenge #2


This is day two of my 3 Days 3 Quotes challenge. I have always liked this sentence, which I read was by Bob Dylan. I believed it, though I had never seen it in any Dylan song or book. I just discovered it was actually a Bob Marley quote :D. Anyway, still it is a great one, so here it comes:

“Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet” – Bob Marley

Bob Marley.jpg

MONTREAL, QUE.: MAY 17, 2012 — Musician Bob Marley, from Marley, a documentary film directed by Kevin MacDonald, courtesy Seville. HANDOUT

My nominees today are:

  1. Aspiring Writer (Aspiring Thoughts)
  2. The Little Mermaid
  3. Looking For The Light Blog


  • 3 new Quotes for 3 days (no repetition)
  • 3 nominees each day ( no repetition)
  • Quotes could be your own or anyone you like.
  • Inform nominees
  • Thank the person who nominated you

I really appreaciate all of my nominees, which I believe are wonderful. I wish you good luck, my fellow bloggermates.

Thank you once again Anju for the nomination. I recommend you all to visit her blog flollowing the provided link:  https://anjusworldblog.wordpress.com/

3 Days 3 Quotes Challenge #1


First of all I just want to show my gratitude to Anjum (Anju’s world blog) to be so kind as to nominate me for this exciting challenge. She’s such a lovely lady and her blog so great. Her site it’s always filled with wise sentences, firm determination, friendly attitude and contagious kindness. Visit her blog following the above link, you will not regret it. She is always inspiring as a smile at dawn, when the day begins.

When I was a kid and I was going to school, the entrance to the building had a bow and an inscription above the arch. Every day when I walked in I was reading it, thinking about it. I didn’t really understand the meaning, but I could never forget it. Being an adult I became aware of how thoughtful the sentence was, and what an awesome truth it left written in my mind. So I wanted to bring it here for all of you to read. This is the first quote, which I learned it comes from the Holy Bible, St. John The Vangelist 8:31-36, quoting Jesus Christ words to those who believed in him:

“the Truth Will Set You Free” – Jesus Christ

I always interpreted it as stating that you remain slave of  your own lies, which makes a lot of sense, though maybe that’s not exactly what Jesus meant.

My nominees are:

  1. Arohii
  2. Joel F (Joys of Joel)
  3. Exoticnita54 (Nita’s World Of Inspiration)


  • 3 new Quotes for 3 days (no repetition)
  • 3 nominees each day ( no repetition)
  • Quotes could be your own or anyone you like.
  • Inform nominees
  • Thank the person who nominated you

All of my nominees are wonderful people and I wish them all the best of luck.

Thank you again Anju for the nomination.